Legal counseling and representation

Marital law, separation, divorce, family law, children law, marital contract, inheritance contract, last will, partition of estate, property law, neighbor law, law of association, extramarital community, registered same-gender partnership, mandates

Successful legal work starts with profound legal counseling and assessment of your interests and expectations. As Certified Specialist SBA Family Law, Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator different dispute resolution procedures can be offered at my office location in Uster nearby Zurich. Readily I provide you with further information and legal advice.


As an attorney-at-law / barrister I additionally represent the interests of my clients in tribunal proceedings before national and indicated international courts as well as in extra-judicial dispute proceedings mainly in following listed law and main working fields:

Civil law

Marital law, separation, divorce

Family law und child law, inclusive representation of children in national and international affairs

Extramarital communities (cohabitation) and registered same-gender partnerships

Marital contracts and inheritance contracts

Inheritance law, execution of last wills, partition of estates

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)

Protection of human rights, including conducting proceedings and representation at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

For further information:

Tannenzaunstrasse 23

Postfach | P.O. Box

8610 Uster

Schweiz | Switzerland

tel        +41 (0)44 944 54 00


Mitglied des Zürcher und Schweizer Anwaltsverbandes | Eingetragen im Anwaltsregister

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Association | Enrolled in the attorney register